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Passion Project

Passion Project is a brand new class at Orchard View, inspired by Google's 20% Time project, which allows students to explore their passions and interests by working on self-directed projects. The class is designed to teach students the essential skills of setting goals, implementing them, reflecting and redirecting as needed, and showcasing their goals. By allowing students to choose a project of their choice, and then guiding them through the process, we can give them the foundation of successful autonomous learning. Additionally, by incorporating elements such as blogging, we can teach essential digital literacy skills as outlined in ISTE standards and Partners for 21st Century Learning Skills. Students will use cloud-based online tools to research, organize, create, cite, publish, and showcase their work. In addition to digital standards, the project hits most Common Core standards in Reading, Writing, and Listening/Speaking.

Presentations - Fall Semester - 2022