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School Wide Learning Outcomes - SLO s
Educated Individuals who:
- meet or exceed the Common Core and California State Standards
- apply 21st century interdisciplinary themes to core subjects
- possess media, information, communication, and technology literacy
Critical Thinkers who:
- effectively analyze, interpret and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and points of views
Creative Thinkers who:
- make decisions and collaborate with creativity and innovation.
Effective Communicators who:
- communicate clearly, collaboratively and respectfully
Independent Learners who:
- take initiative and strive to expand their own intellectual growth
- develop skills and self-awareness to live a healthy and productive life
- explore post secondary school and career opportunities
- set goals and manage time effectively
Contributing Members of Society who:
- exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship on a local, state, national, and global level
- demonstrate cultural awareness and appreciation of diversity